Are you getting your shoulder pain worst day by day? Is your
shoulder getting stiff? These are the symptoms suggestive of the frozen
shoulder. Just like an ice in refrigerator, your shoulder is getting frozen
causing pain, stiffness and ultimately difficulty in daily living activities.
This is a condition in which the surrounding structure of shoulder joint (i.e.,
Capsule of joint) gets swollen and tightened, causing pain and stiffness in shoulder.
More incidences are seen in women than men. You are more
likely to get this condition if your age is between 40 to 60 years. Your
risk might also go up if you’re in the process of recovering from a medical
condition like a stroke, or surgery like a mastectomy that keeps you away from
moving your arm. A diabetic patient is more prone to get this condition. Though
only 10% to 20% diabetic patients might have frozen shoulder.
Decide in which stage you are!
Stage1: Freezing stage
Pain in shoulder, sometimes gets severe
Sleepless nights due to pain
May last for 6 to 8 months
Difficulty in moving shoulder
Stage2: Frozen stage
You might have less pain but more
May last for 8 to 12 months
More difficult routine activities e.g.,
combing hair, wearing shirt etc.
(Difficult or impossible overhead
Stage3: Thawing stage
Symptoms might get relieved
May take around 10 months to 2 years
The extreme condition requires doctor's advise.
A Manipulation is the better option if you have worsen your condition
contact our experts to know about Manipulation technique
Solutions as per stage of the condition
Ø Solutions
for stage1:
Most important part is to relieve pain
in this stage. Following will help you to get relief from pain;
A hot water fomentation
Mild stretching exercises
Simple shoulder joint movements
Ø Solutions
for stage2:
Stiffness is the most affective part in
this stage
More you activate your shoulder, better
the recovery
Try to do more exercise of shoulder in
this stage
Shoulder up-down, sideways movement,
rotations are helpful to make it little free
Pulley exercises are the best to get
your shoulder stiffness decreased
The other way to relax your shoulder
muscle is pendulum swing
Continue the hot water fomentation along
with all these exercises
Solutions for stage3:
Eventually you might be feeling better
but to prevent its recurrence, physical exercises are required
Stick exercises are the best suggested
for this stage
The extreme condition requires doctor's advise.
A Manipulation is the better option if you have worsen your condition
contact our experts to know about Manipulation technique